Saturday, September 20, 2008


Kristin is an avid hiker and she has invited me to join her on numerous occassions. But, for whatever reason, I'm never available when she wants to go. So, this time, I asked her to join me on a hike, even though she chose our location and drove us there.

I've gone hiking before plenty of times but want to do it more often. Not only is it a good way to get in some exercise but it's also nice to be outdoors and appreciate all the nature-y goodness the Bay Area has to offer. Plus, I can do it with other people and not be embarassed, as I am when I run.

Packing my lunch (peanut butter and jelly on whole wheat bread, carrot sticks, an apple, and two Larabars) and water was easy. Getting dressed was more difficult. What would be appropriate for a hike? Kristin advised that I should dress in layers. I could do that. I pulled out some t-shirts, some long-sleeved shirts, and a hoodie. I tried on multiple shirts before I found the right combination of short-sleeved and long-sleeved ones that would look okay with my hoodies, jeans, and gleaming white running shoes (the only pair of athletic footwear that I have).

Kristin was very patient and understanding when we decided on where we would go. How long did I want to hike for? Did I want something easy or hard? She didn't want to wear my out and scare me on our fist hike together. We decided we would go to Mt. Tamalpais and do a two to three hour loop. Off we went.

We got to Mt. Tam, parked the car, and started in to the park. It was foggy--at some points we couldn't see what was ahead of us--but nice. The greens of the trees and bushes were vibrant. And, even after a little bit of rain the night before, the trails weren't muddy. Kristin, once again, said that we could take a different route if we wanted; meaning if I got tired and wanted something easier we could do that. It was great to have someone looking out for me. But, I wanted to keep going. I wanted the longer route. I told her I didn't want the mountain to defeat me and was looking for something challenging enough to be fun but that wouldn't kill me. So, we kept going.

We took a wrong turn at one point and had to back track. I had to cross a precarious looking ledge and Kristin was patient with my unease. Some parts were so long and steep that I had to take a break in between. I could hear my breath growing more and more labored and could feel the sweat dripping down my face and pooling up under my arms, on my back, and in between my breasts (I should have worn my sports bra). But, with a little rest and some water, I was ready to go again.

We kept going and going, and finally we were reaching the end--only 1.2 miles left to the parking lot. The final stretch of the hike was all slightly downhill, which was nice. After climbing up for so long and my thighs starting to ache, an easy downhill walk felt so good. My legs were happy. With the parking lot in clear view, I felt accomplished and satisfied and tired, but in a good way. I don't know how far we hiked but we were walking for about four hours at a fairly fast pace. I asked Kristin how this hike compared to the ones she usually goes on, and she said that it was on the more difficult side and that she wouldn't take novices on it. Yes! I am becoming a hiker too!

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