Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back At It

I woke at 5:43 this morning, two minutes before I set the alarm. After a few minutes of lying around, I was able to wrestle myself out of the warm bed, trudge my way to the bathroom, pop my contacts on, put on my running clothes (complete with my new bright, white running jacket purchased in Boston), shoes, and gloves, and head out the door.

I was dreading this morning. After almost two weeks of non-activity, I was anticipating pain. And, as suspected, it was a struggle. I felt my lungs sting. My arms and back were tired. My form was off. My whole body felt sluggish. But, I jogged slowly along Webster, climbed all the way up Geary, and made it back around again for another loop. It was slow going, and I never found my rhythm. But, I was proud to have gotten up and do the two loops.

I'm also back to my normal eating habits too. After two weeks of more beer and cheese than usual, I'm glad to have salad again.

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