Friday, March 13, 2009

My New Friend

No one talks to me as I run, and I'm glad of it. As I run, I focus on going forward, motivating myself to keep the feet moving right-left-right-left, making sure my form is good, and checking to ensure my breathing is even and steady. Sometimes, many times actually, I'll sing to myself. Occasionally, I'll smile at the people who pass me, especially the ones who I've passed several times on our loops. I might say excuse me or mumble a good morning, but that's about it.

So, when I was stopped to have a conversation this morning, I was a little thrown off. I was walking through the Panhandle on my way back home when it happened. The man who takes care of the park started saying stuff to me. I've seen him plenty of times before. Sometimes, I'll give a smile of acknowledgment. But, never before have we talked. So, he was saying stuff to me but I couldn't really hear since I still had my headphones on. When I realized that he was going to keep talking to me, I took them off and walked over to him.

Park Man: I see you running all the time. Maybe for the last six months.
Me: Yeah, I've been running for a while now. I'm sure you must see the same people over and over again.
PM: Yes. Some people run to the ocean. Do you run to the ocean?
Me: No, but last week, I ran to 31st. I just need to run for another ten blocks to get to the ocean.
PM: What is your name?
Me: I'm Susan. And you?
PM: Guillermo.
Me: Nice to meet you, Guillermo.
Guillermo: Do you live nearby?
Me: Sorta. I live over there. [I wave my arm eastward.]
G: Are you Norse?
[In my head, I am wondering why he would think I'm Norse. Maybe he's Norse and thinks we have that in common. But, he doesn't look Norse, and I don't look Norse. His name is Guillermo; that does not sound Norse either. Maybe he thinks because I'm so tall I must be Norse. I was thoroughly confused.]
Me: Um, no. I'm Chinese.
G: No, are you nurse?
Me: Oh, ha. No, I'm not a nurse. I work at a high school.
G: Are you a teacher?
Me: No, I work at as a counselor.
G: What school do you work at?
I tell him where I work.
G: So, you must have to be at work soon.
Me: Yes, I should get going. See you next time.
[I run off.]

That was the short version of our conversation. He also told me about his days off, how he runs into people he knows while he's traveling and how they say "Hi, Guillermo!", how he gets Sundays and Mondays off, how he bikes in Tiburon and takes the ferry there, and how he used to date a teacher. That was a ton of information to share with some random sweaty girl at 8am. And, sometimes I'm too polite, and will stand around chatting, even though I am feeling gross and tired and need to go home to shower and go to work.

But, I have a new friend now. Maybe one day, if I hurt myself or pull a muscle or pass out from pushing myself too hard on a run, Guillermo will come and get me on his park truck and shuttle me to help.

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