Monday, March 2, 2009

Yoga Mat Disappointment

My yoga routine has been thrown off recently. I would usually do my exercises after I got home from work as a way to wind down and stretch out the kinks that developed after hours of sitting at a desk. But, often now, Scott has been home when I return. And, since I don't want my ass all up in his face as I'm doing Downward Facing Dog, I haven't been practicing my yoga stances.

But, today, the house was empty. I was excited to put my new yoga mat, which is in a calming "celery" color, to use. I unrolled the mat and got to work. Planks, lunges, Cobras, Warriors, and more. The mat worked okay until I got to the poses where I had to lie down. The mat was too short, or I was too tall. My toes stretched over the edge and my head was resting on the shag rug. This was not cool. Did I buy the wrong mat?

After finishing my routine, I checked the yoga mat packaging. It came in only one size: 68 inches. I am, at my shortest, 71 inches. How was this possible? I'm no freakish giant. How could the yoga mat company only make a one-size-fits-all mat and leave out everyone over 5'8"? If anyone under 5'8" needs a celery-colored yoga mat that is almost new, I've got one.

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