Thursday, October 2, 2008


I hate being sweaty. It makes me feel gross to have wet arm pits and damp clothes clinging to my body. But, I sweat. I sweat easily. On my walk to work, I sweat; so much so and so regularly, that the first thing I do at the office is pat my face with a cool cloth, take off as many layers as to still be decent, and stand in front of the fan.

But never had I sweated as much as I did today during my workout. After my run, where I already developed a good sweat, I did my usual set of exercises: squats, lunges, and free weights. Not only did I have sweat running down my face and dripping off onto my shirt and the floor, but I also had sweat running my leg. It was so weird. I felt a drop of water at the back of my knee. I didn't know my knee sweated. I realized that the sweat was coming from my lower back and upper thighs and being forced by gravity down my leg to my knee. This was a first. This was yucky.

But, if a good sweat is a sign of a good workout, this one was the bee's knees.

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